2018 Summer workout schedules UPDATE

Summer football workout information
No workout Friday July 13th this week & off next week July 16-July 20th.  Workouts will start again July 23rd-July 26th.  Please check in before 7:30 we are going to push to be on the field by 7:45AM

Football will be back home at Trojan Stadium on Spring Drive starting on Monday, July 9th. Check in will be at the practice field starting at 7:30 am. It is very important that players meet and stay at the practice field and the parking lot by the practice field. As of right now we will not have access to any of the buildings on campus; and this includes the field house. Please plan for rides to pick up by 10:15 at the field because there will not be anywhere to go inside. There is a plan in place if by some chance we get weather. If you have any questions, or are not on the email list, please email rlee3@wcpss.net

July dates 9,11,13,23,25,27
Times are 7:30 AM-11:00 AM

7 v 7 dates 26, 28,10
Times are TBD
FULL CALENDAR (printable excel sheet)